App Configuration
App Configuration

You application is configured with a file app.ini. It’s really recommended that you put this file in your source code repository and symlink it into its location at the root of the app directory.


The name of the application, a simple identifier.


This points to the file that “runs” the application. This can be a .py file that defines an object application, a WSGI application. It can also be a .ini file which has an [app:main] section that can be loaded by Paste Deploy (e.g., for a Pylons application).


This option gives one (or more) URLs that should be fetched every time the application is updated. It is also fetched every time your development server is started (with silver serve). (Maybe this last bit should be changed.)

These can setup tables, create directories, etc. You can check environ[‘silverlining.update’] to be sure this is an internal update request. If you want multiple URLs, put each on its own line (in .ini files you can use indentation on subsequent lines to continue a configuration value).


This is a default for silver update APP LOCATION, so you don’t have to enter that location each time you update.


The presence of the setting activates the service. It can have a value, which is passed to the service, but no service uses that yet.


If true then you must provide configuration to deploy this application.


A path to default configuration for the application.


Configuration template files. See Deployment Configuration for more.


A module:function that checks the configuration and raises an exception if there is a problem. See Deployment Configuration for more.

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